Protect Your Rights Are you a college student facing charges for driving under the influence? College students remain one of the most prominent demogr...

Understanding the Consequences in Court It may surprise you, but a .08 breathalyzer reading isn’t required for a DUI arrest. In fact, it's far from ne...


An ignition interlock device (IID) is a portable breathalyzer that is installed into your car. Before you can start your vehicle, you must pass the br...

If you’re facing a DUI charge, the steps you take now can make a critical difference. Following your arrest, you will be required to appear in court f...

Facing DUI Charges in Washington: Key Penalties You Need to Know Washington State enforces some of the strictest DUI laws in the nation. Even a first-...

Understanding the DUI Process in Washington: Key Steps and Support Options Navigating a DUI case in Washington is complex and can feel overwhelming. A...

The Importance of Attending Your Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing Individuals often make the mistake of either not attending the Department of Li...

Understanding Marijuana DUI in Washington Recreational marijuana has been legalized in Washington, but it is still illegal to operate a vehicle while ...

Immediate Steps to Safeguard Your Driving Privileges Losing your license can have immediate and severe consequences. But there are concrete steps you ...

What to Expect with Mandatory DUI Sentencing in Washington Washington State has some of the toughest DUI laws in the nation. Even for first-...

There is nothing more terrifying than finding yourself in handcuffs for DUI. If you have been charged with DUI, you need to seek the help of an experi...

It was impossible to miss when it happened, it's impossible to miss today, it will probably be impossible to miss for months. Will Smith slapped Chris...


Reckless Driving at the Speed Limit Can you be arrested for driving the speed limit without obvious swerving or excessive lane changes or riding the s...


Understand Your Rights During Traffic Stops in Washington Traffic stops are the most common interaction between citizens and law enforcement. The rece...


What to Do When the Police Ask, “Do You Know Why I’m Here?” When you’re approached by the police, knowing how to respond can make all the difference. ...


Restore Your Firearm Rights in Washington State Washington is one of the few states that allows individuals to restore their firearm rights after a co...


A Guide to Expungement Under the New Hope Act The New Hope Act, enacted in 2019, brought significant changes to expungement laws in Washington State, ...


Where the Expungement Process Begins Washington State radically changed the rules for expunging convictions in 2019. There is a problem, however, many...


The Lifecycle of a Criminal Case However cliché it sounds, no two cases are alike. Many factors affect what happens in a case, the judicial path it fo...


Well, Not Really . . . and Definitely Not in Washington Like the Ninth Circuit ruling a little over two weeks ago about non-violent felons being allow...