Do You Qualify to Reinstate Your 2nd Amendment Rights in the State of Washington?

Disclaimer: This quiz is for general informational purposes only. It is does not create an attorney/client relationship. Please note that information and results may not constitute the most accurate, up-to-date or other legal information.

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Due to federal regulations, individuals with certain mental health histories are prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition. Our firm does not handle these cases. For more information, see ATF Information 3310.4 [LINK].

Second Amendment rights cannot be restored if you are currently under a protection order. There are no exceptions to this rule.

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Currently, you can only restore your Second Amendment rights in the county where the conviction occurred. If your conviction was out of state, we recommend contacting an attorney in that area.

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Not eligible at this time. You cannot restore your Second Amendment rights if you have pending criminal charges.

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Not eligible at this time. You must complete all sentencing conditions, including restitution.

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Restoration of firearms rights is not possible if the disqualifying conviction is a sex offense.

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Not eligible. You cannot restore firearms rights if the disqualifying conviction is a Class A felony.

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Great! You may be eligible to restore your Second Amendment rights. Let's discuss how we can assist you.

Not eligible yet. You must wait until you've been conviction-free in the community for at least ten years. Any new conviction restarts the ten-year waiting period.

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Great! You may be eligible to restore your firearms rights.

Not eligible yet. You must wait until you've been conviction-free in the community for at least five years.

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Not eligible yet. You must not have any convictions in the past five years.

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Great! You may be eligible to restore your Second Amendment rights. Let's discuss how we can assist you.

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Yes! You may qualify to reinstate your right to possess firearms!


Want to Learn More About Getting Your 2nd Amendment Rights Back?

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Not eligible yet. You may need to wait at least five years after completing probation or a suspended sentence. In many cases, courts issue a five-year suspended sentence, so the total waiting time after sentencing may be at least ten years.

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Not eligible. You cannot vacate a domestic violence conviction if you have more than one DV conviction from separate incidents.